We have made it our goal to create a name for ourselves that is synonymous with
Quality, Safety, Customer Care, and Innovation!
Hydroprocessing Associates Global is a full service catalyst and reactor maintenance company with facilities strategically located around the world. Our state of the art equipment, trained workforce and the ongoing improvement of our vacuum units, life support systems and operating procedures allows for safe project execution in a timely and efficient manner.
HPA has a long history in Catalyst Handling and Dense Loading Technology, having worked in various locations around the globe on catalyst change-outs and in particular Dense Loading of catalysts. We thoroughly understand the strict requirements involved in catalyst loading.
HPA was originally a Singapore based company known as VAC-TECH Engineering Pte Ltd, established in 1995 to provide Reactor and Environmental industrial services. It has focused a division on catalyst dense loading bringing a much required alternative to the Oil & Petrochemical Industry. Our experienced supervisors and specialists undergoes rigorous and on-going training to keep updated on specialized and new knowledge.
Further our management team believes in building relationships and partnering with our clients in order to achieve the optimum results.
Working closely as a team, our dedicated professionals have achieved industry-leading turnaround times while maintaining an excellent Safety Record.
The result is improved bottom-line results for our clients.
HPA is always looking for the next opportunity and we look forward to developing a relationship with you as your partner and one stop shop for
SAFE and EFFICIENT turnarounds.